Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Silly Jakie...and ouhh ooohh

This is just too funny NOT to post!

Little Monster's up to something....

First Day of 4th grade!

Jordan is now 9 and his first day of 4th grade was not as exciting for him as past years. Jordan finally realized that he DIDN'T want summer to end! (I was wondering when he was going to figure that out, and THIS was the year.)
Now that he's in class, he's excited. Likes his teachers and is thrilled about changing classes 4 times a day. He's growing up sooo fast.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

John John

This is John John...My hubby.

He's a sports NUT...well...maybe he's just a nut .. but anyway,
that means I'm a football widow!

HE gave me that name because I just roll my eyes when he tells me he's going to his football drafts. :P

Yes...draftS..... usually he participates in anywhere from five to eight fantasy football teams at a time... To me, the words "fantasy" and "football" just don't go together.

BUT, that's just me...the widow!

My baby Monster!

Wow! Jake was almost 8 weeks old here.

I can't imagine that he was ever that tiny!

This is from Christmas 2004.

Love those cheeks!
This is my eldest monster. See the faces he makes.
He's going to get stuck that way, and THEN what will I do!

Here's the "Hansom" face! He's a "LOOKER"!

Silly boy...he's 6 in this one.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Galveston 2006 Summer Vacation

These are just a few photo's taken
in the middle of July.

The boys had fun at the beach, but they liked the pool better.
Go figure.

Just ME

It's just me. Uploading a picture of, guess who....just me...I realized that I'm not in many pictures because I'm behind the camera. My mom's friends noticed that too. They probably wondered if my mom MADE me up! :P
kidddingg!! I tried to upload it to my profile, but it's not hosted anywhere, so this will do for now. So, that's IT...just me... :)