Thursday, November 16, 2006

October 2006 - OUR 15th Anniversary

John and I went to NYC in October to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversay! It was MY first time and I fell in LOVE with it..

This picture is from the Top of the ROCK. Beautiful

This is ground zero... it was still just a big HOLE... I think it was about one week after we were there, that they found bones! 5 YEARS after 9/11. That's so sad.

Here, John and I are on a ferry going to Ellis Island.
Silly little fairy :P

This one's just ME at the wall on Ellis Island with the Statue of Liberty behind me.

Ellis Island was my favorite place!

Summer Soccer 2006

JaKe was doing this upside down thing, at Jordan's first soccer game of the season...
Of course I was focused on HIM and I missed Jordan's first goal of the season...
eeep!... I missed it... :(

Jordan loves his soccer.

Jake was patting his brother on the shoulder during a break.... HOW sweet is that!