Sunday, September 02, 2007

Not about my monsters....

This is a posting that is not about our family, but about my 'work' family... Diamond H Recognition recently had a fire in our corporate office. It's been pretty devastating.

On August 24th, an electrical fire broke out and basically took out our front office space. Fortunately, we resumed business by noon on the same day from the fulfillment operations, which were not harmed in the fire.

Shortly after the fire was put out, while the fire department was investigating, I ran home to change clothes and the photographer in me grabbed my camera. I took the photos below and am continuing to capture images as we continue to get through a bad situation.

New PJ's

It's time for school to start again, so I went clothes shopping for my 10 year old. Found some cute PJ's for Jake too, so I HAD to take new pictures. Jordan is a ham too, so he sat his baby brother on his lap for this photo op. They CAN play nice....sometimes....ummm...for a few minutes....

Summer Fun

This summer's been pretty great. New pool, swimming like crazy and just sittin around turning crispy In this pic, my little monsters enjoying the water as usual. He's learning to swim and doing great.