Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Meet Milo!!

This little guy is "Milo". We've had him for about 6 weeks and he's a sweetie!! He weighs 2.8 pounds and is 5 months old..

He's just now starting to become a character in our house hold. He likes to bite John's toes (who claims he hates the dog, but I don't believe him.) and (unfortunately) has begun humping Jordan's arm, or whatever appendage is available at the moment..... LMAO!!

Anyway, we love him and he's a GREAT addition to our family!! I'm sure I'll have more "Milo" stories later.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

1st day of Kindergarten for Jacob

August 2009

Little munchkin is now a mighty Kindergartner!

His teachers name is pretty easy to remeber.. McDonald.. as in "old McDonald".. I'm sure that's why her toom is made up to look like a FARM! :)

This was taken after Jordan's first game with the Arlington Knights. They lost, but that's just how it goes.
He's on two teams right now, so poor thing was sore!!
Little brother was pretty excited too! I'm sure Jake will want to play too... lord knows he's BIG enough.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Kids and the Bazillion year old Cat

June 2009

This is our cat K.C. who is 19 years old... yes 19... she's outlived everyone of her kittens (only had one litter) and doesn't seem to be going ANYWHERE.

Tough old bat!

Pre-K Graduation !!

May 2009

Jacob graduated from pre-k to "K"!! The kids were all sooo serious, it was really cute..

big BROTHER just wanted CAKE!