Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Summer Vacation in Riviera Maya 2008

July 2008 ~ We hadn't vacationed with the Ozuna family in a few years and finally we had the opportunity. We seem to travel well together and yet again we had a wonderful time.

This day at the beach was a lazy day. Perfect in my mind. I think the kids felt the same.
This is at the resorts beach.

Playa del Car ~ shopping and site seeing... the kids hated it until they got a few bucks to spend! Aunt Barbara to the rescue!!!

Here we're in Chichén Itzá. It was a VERY hot day...thus the cute hat on Jake's head.... :) Very cool place to be.

Jacob's first LOVE :)

I haven't posted anything in a while, but I'm at it again. This one's a favorite of mine. This little girl's name is Presley and she's the sister to one of Jordan's (big brother) soccer mates. Well, while Jordan played, Jacob spent his time with Presley. She's a cutey and he's IN LOVE! It's been 6 months since soccer season and he still talks about her. Not just TALKS.... says he's going to MARRY her. WOW! My baby.... marry a girl at 4. I wasn't quite ready for THAT.. heehheeheee...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Jacob goes to see Santa 2007

This was the first year Jake was not AFRAID of Santa, it was GREAT!

Mi Familia!??

One of my 'defective' cousins has made a comment and sent a url, in reference to my posting below. I think it is worthy of publishing so here it is:

Veronica has left a new comment on your post "Mi Familia!??": Compare The Nini's expression with that of Albert Einstein. That's not a genetic defect, that's the expression of a genius. You should consider yourself lucky! Just look at this:
what can i say.... she's got a point!

I'm thinking that I have kids that are nutz....but in going home for Christmas, I realize it's a genetic defect that I must carry in the genes I've passed to my MONSTERS!! This is the first evidence I've gathered that their behavior is not a DEFECT but a GENETIC MUTATION!!!... :P

Let me show you what I mean!! Observe....

THIS is my cousin Veronica and MY MOTHER!!! MY mother...
she never told me 'crazy' ran in our family... :)

Then, there's my cousin Aaron.... He proudly serves in our US NAVY but he wouldn't let me take a decent picture of him....DAMN IT!! I'm so proud of ALL my cousins serving in the service!!

Late Christmas POST

Ooooooeewww, I'm late with posting my Christmas pictures, but OH WELL, right?

Well, dispite the 'loving' out
ward appearance, these monsters fight all the time. I'm just lucky I got them to sit still for half a second to get some pictures. I had to promise to buy them these hats!! You'll see the other goofy one below too.