Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mi Familia!??

One of my 'defective' cousins has made a comment and sent a url, in reference to my posting below. I think it is worthy of publishing so here it is:

Veronica has left a new comment on your post "Mi Familia!??": Compare The Nini's expression with that of Albert Einstein. That's not a genetic defect, that's the expression of a genius. You should consider yourself lucky! Just look at this:
what can i say.... she's got a point!

I'm thinking that I have kids that are nutz....but in going home for Christmas, I realize it's a genetic defect that I must carry in the genes I've passed to my MONSTERS!! This is the first evidence I've gathered that their behavior is not a DEFECT but a GENETIC MUTATION!!!... :P

Let me show you what I mean!! Observe....

THIS is my cousin Veronica and MY MOTHER!!! MY mother...
she never told me 'crazy' ran in our family... :)

Then, there's my cousin Aaron.... He proudly serves in our US NAVY but he wouldn't let me take a decent picture of him....DAMN IT!! I'm so proud of ALL my cousins serving in the service!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Compare The Nini's expression with that of Albert Einstein. That's not a genetic defect, that's the expression of a genius. You should consider yourself lucky! Just look at this: